Disney Plus has dropped the official trailer of the Space Drama series, ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth‘. The story of the series follows the older man in the past, like Jules Verne who has written about his adventures in parallel dimensions. On this, she has left the instructions to future generations about using the portal to those dimensions.
Diego is mainly exploring an adventurous kid along with an inventor just like his brother Martin and his parents, and his grandmother Pola. In fact, the film mainly follows the boys and their little sister Violeta are being cared for by Pola as their parents are on a polar expedition.
Journey to the Center of the Earth: Plot
Diego is following his buddies Pedro and Ana is going to an adventure camp for a month. Violeta is also moving along with Martin, he will present there as a counsellor to fulfil his university community service requirement. The camp has owned by Pompilio Calderón, a famous and eccentric adventurer who walks around with a robot bird named Claudio on his shoulder.
Pola, who’s noticing that the microwave oven is going haywire and magnets are falling off the refrigerator door and crows are gathering outside, calls up her daughter and son-in-law to see what they’re seeing at their research station. She thinks she has to go into the dimensional portal to figure things out.
She goes into a cave and opens the portal, and she’s followed there by Pompilio and Claudio; Pompilio has wanted to get into that portal for years. A dog runs out of the portal as it closes and takes the medallion Pola used to open it. As camp opens, the group meets the shy but equally adventurous Laura.
Journey to the Center of the Earth: Cast
Martin is going to find out that Carla Adells as Andrea, an old crush of his, is also a counsellor. Pompiloo’s nephew Luigi Cerrada as Antonio tries to bigfoot Diego and his group by bullying them and playing pranks.
On the first night, though, Diego and his group find the dog, who Violeta names “Soup”. As they follow the dog through the woods, into an area Pompilio says is a “no go” for the campers, they find Pola’s medallion. When Pompilio finds them, he sees it as his chance to finally go through the portal. But he doesn’t realize that there are going to be people diving in behind him.
Journey to the Center of the Earth: Release Date
It has been confirmed that the Original series is already streaming on Disney Plus.
Here is the trailer:
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