JioTag, a Bluetooth tracker launched in India by Reliance, is now available at an attractive price. This device serves as an alternative to Apple AirTag. JioTag offers an affordable Bluetooth tracking solution with features similar to the Apple AirTag, along with the added advantage of Jio Community Find. To put things in perspective, one Apple AirTag costs ₹3,490, and four tags cost ₹11,900. JioTag, on the other hand, sells the same product for a price of ₹2,199.
JioTag Features and Offers
As an added bonus, Reliance is currently offering the JioTag for under ₹1,000 for a limited time. The JioTag can be purchased online from the official Jio website and is already up for sale. It is also available at Reliance Digital and JioMart. Interested buyers can place prepaid orders or opt for cash on delivery in select pin codes.
Similar to the Apple AirTag, JioTag functions as a Bluetooth tracker for personal items and accessories. It weighs 9.5 grams and has dimensions of 3.82 x 3.82 x 0.72cm. By connecting the device to the JioThings app on their smartphones and attaching the tag to their belongings such as wallets or handbags, users can easily keep track of their items.
The JioTag package includes an extra battery and a lanyard cable. The lanyard allows users to conveniently attach the JioTag to their possessions. The device operates on a replaceable CR2032 battery, which provides a backup for up to a year. Additionally, the JioTag has a range of up to 50 meters outdoors and 20 meters indoors. It utilizes Bluetooth 5.1 connectivity to connect with smartphones.
In addition to tracking personal items, the JioTag can also help locate misplaced smartphones. By double-tapping the JioTag, users can make their phone ring even when it’s in silent mode. Moreover, the JioTag will alert users if they forget their wallets, keys, or other belongings, providing the accurate location where they were left behind.
One notable feature that sets JioTag apart from the Apple AirTag is the Jio Community Find. Users can designate their JioTag as lost on the JioThings app if they are unable to find their possessions, even at the last known location. The Jio Community Find will then search for the lost JioTag and report back its location.