In the last month, JioMart made its service live both online and via WhatsApp. Though it was limited to few areas of Mumbai. But now, the entire service is expanded to over 200 towns of India. All kind of fruits, vegetables, groceries, household products, and more is available on the JioMart website which is
The company says, “We offer you the convenience of shopping everything that you need for your home – be it fresh fruits & vegetables, rice, dals, oil, packaged food, dairy item, frozen, pet food, household cleaning items & personal care products from a single virtual store.”
To check if this ‘Desh ki Nayi Dukan’ is open in your location or not, you just need to put your pin code in the ‘Delivering to’. If you got a green signal that means the service is there for you. Otherwise a message in red will appear saying “We are currently not available at this location. Stay tuned!”
>> Key Features
The handiest feature of this site is the ‘search with list’ option. You can simply paste or write the entire product list in this section instead of searching one by one. The website will search the products one by one for you. You need to just put your choice at the cart. Though the searching process is needed to improve more. The problem is a particular product is named differently on the basis of language and also local name. The search algorithm needs to detect that. Otherwise, access to this website can be restricted to reach out to all kinds of peoples.
>> Payment & Delivery
Jio made available almost all kinds of payment methods. The e-wallet section includes Paytm, PhonePe, JioMoney, and MobiKwik. There is also the Net Banking option along with the Credit/Debit card and the most famous COD.
As per the authority, they will try to deliver the orders within two days. But due to the lockdown it can be extended in a few cases.
JioMart is a tough competitor of BigBasket and Grofers, no doubt. Now, we need to stay calm to see how beneficial this competition will be for the customers.
Do Check Out 👇🏼