JioCinema Unveils New Premium Services With Four Subscription Plans in India It had earlier introduced monthly plans at ₹29 and ₹89 for Indian consumers, but now seems to have rolled out an annual plan priced at just ₹599. Here are the details.
The All New JioCinema Premium Annual Plan
JioCinema Premium annual plan at ₹599 (12 months). With that being said, the company is offering it at an introductory price of ₹299 against its normal selling price. The upcoming Premium plan will be ad-free, just like the ₹29 and ₹89 plans. That said, sports games and live shows may still appear with ads. Since it’s an extension of the ₹29 plan and not a “Family” plan, subscribers can stream 4K content on only one device. As of now, nothing has been communicated regarding a “Family” ad-free plan for the year.
Disney+ Hotstar and Amazon Prime offer a slightly expensive annual plan, while JioCinema Premium yearly plan at ₹1,499 makes more sense financially. According to Disney+ Hotstar, it allows access up to four screens at one time whereas Amazon Prime will be freed on three devices across the same account.
However, Netflix currently does not have any yearly subscription plans in India. The Netflix Premium subscription costs ₹649 per month or ₹7,788 annually. It supports 4 devices and provides with the features of 4K (Ultra HD) + HDR & Spatial audio.
Disney+ Hotstar annual subscription: It is worth noting that Disney+ Hotstar annual subscription gives users ad-free content but live TV shows and sports events are available with ads. If you encounter any teasers or trailers on select Amazon Prime titles as well, they will be skippable. Ads may appear in live events, sports, and certain channels.
Netflix also claims it doesn’t have ad-supported plans in India. You may not see ads throughout content on Facebook Watch, but live sports or event broadcasts within the video section of the site can still come with add-ons in some cases based on where you are.
The recently introduced ₹29 and ₹89 plans enable users to enjoy ad-free premium content, including children’s shows, movies, and series. Users also have the option to download content for offline viewing. The only distinction between the two plans is that the ₹29 plan supports one device, while the ₹89 plan allows access to up to four devices.
Additionally, JioCinema has discontinued its existing ₹99 and ₹999 monthly and annual plans for ad-free Hollywood content and ad-supported local-language content since the introduction of the ₹29 and ₹89 premium plans last month.