Reliance Jio has recently launched a prepaid package exclusively for Indian users to celebrate Republic Day 2024. Priced at ₹2,999 this recharge plan offers 2.5GB of 4G data unlimited calling and a validity of 365 days. Along, with these features subscribers will also enjoy perks such as vouchers for Swiggy and Ajio flight discounts through Ixigo and a special 10% discount on items at Reliance Digital. This exciting Jio Republic Day offer is valid from January 15 to January 31.
All About the Jio Republic Day 2024:
Customers can take advantage of several benefits when they choose the ₹2,999 package offered by Jio Republic Day 2024. Two ₹125 Swiggy vouchers are included with each purchase, redeemable for ₹299 or more. The plan also includes a flight discount of ₹1,500 (₹500 for one passenger, ₹1,000 for two, and ₹1,500 for three). A ₹500 Ajio discount will also be given to users (for orders over ₹2,499). Additional advantages include a convenient 10% discount on specific products with a ₹5,000 minimum purchase and a 30% discount (up to ₹1,000) on products when orders on Tira exceed ₹999.
Similar to Jio plans in the market today: subscribers will have access to popular apps, like JioTV, JioCinema, and JioCloud. Interestingly the JioCinema Premium subscription is not included in this plan. To take advantage of this promotion users just need to go to the Jio website and recharge their number with the plan priced at ₹2,999. The coupons can be found in the user’s MyJio account. It can be easily used when making purchases, on platforms such, as Swiggy and Ajio.
In related news, Jio has incorporated an Amazon Prime Video subscription into its annual prepaid plan, priced at ₹3,227. This plan offers 2GB of daily data, and unlimited 5G data, and includes a complimentary one-year subscription to Amazon Prime Video mobile edition, along with access to JioTV, JioCinema, and JioCloud.