Reportedly Reliance Jio might be launching 5G-ready Android smartphone in the second quarter. According to reports, over 300 million featured phone users in India have switched to its telecom arm with Reliance Jio.
All the people who are very familiar with the fact said that RIL is working on the timeline of May-June to finish the R&D of the device, which is being manufactured with the tech giant Google. They had confirmed that the launch of the device is most likely in the second quarter of FY21. It also might arrange the annual general meeting which was held in August-September, at the time when RIL has made all its past announcements about its feature phones and also fiber, among the others.
On the AGM, RIL also has declared its plan of launching a laptop called JioBook which is manufactured by aiming the education sector. ET had also told about the manufacturing of a Qualcomm chipset-powered laptop. As in the middle of 2020, the users of Reliance Jio became slowed down and rival Bharti Airtel has rapidly added more users than Jio, so Jio has planned to propose a smartphone e that adds steam to the company’s effort.
Jio recently has announced its new tariff plans targeted at holding the 100 million users into its 4G smartphone, Jio mobile has able to attract 2G users from the rivals. The latest smartphone from RIL is a section of a two-long alliance with Google, at the first time, Google has picked up a 7.73% stake in the platforms of Jio, which is the percent of Reliance Jio for Rs. 33,737 crores in the last June. RIL also was done a commercial agreement with Google to develop an entry-level, 4G smartphone that can also support 5G in the future.
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It has informed that the development of the smartphone is on the way, the specifications had been finalized. Now they are discussing the operating system that needs deep integration of Jio services.
From the various resources, it has been known that the company is developing JioOS which is a fork or the custom version of Google’s Android operating system, for the extreme performance of Jio applications. All the companies are now discussing the version of which to be used as the feature on the smartphones, it has been fixed that the phone also going to be featured with an Android Go operating system with the entry-level specifications.
ET has understood that Jio is avoiding with its electronic manufacturing partners only for the local production of Jio-Google smartphone.
For Mukesh Ambani’s JIo company, it has ensured that it will own some 100 million JioPhone subscribers transition quickly from the 4G featured smartphone. It also will try to fetch 300 million feature phone users recently on the networks of Bharti Airtel, Vodafone Idea, and state-run Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.
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Due to the slowing pace of their user addition, recently Jio has dropped the usage costs of its featured phone by 25% with the two offers.
Jio has decided to enter into the product ecosystem with a 5G smartphone and laptop. Some evidence has got that in the JioBook where the unit test of the company was searched using Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 665 chipset with 4G LTE support.