Recent Bollywood awards hosted on Abu Dhabi’s gorgeous Yas Island included Nora Fatehi, a stunning diva who stole the spotlight at the event. She made a stunning entrance wearing a sparkling gown, leaving us all envious and hoping we had a fairy godmother to give us such fashion dreams.
We all know Nora Fatehi for her killer dance moves and that enviable figure that makes jaws drop faster than a thumka. But did you know that she started her journey as a dancing sensation before twirling her way into the hearts of Bollywood? From her debut in Roar to setting the stage on fire in various reality TV shows, Nora has proved time and again that she’s a force to be reckoned with and it’s not limited to just her talent. She is a true fashion diva too. Are you wondering what Nora Fatehi was wearing in Abu Dhabi? Let’s take a closer look at her gown.
Take A Closer Look At Nora Fatehi’s Dress
Let’s get to the main event of the night, Nora’s ensemble, which had us reaching for the smelling salts. Nora Fatehi was dressed in a multicoloured, completely beaded gown so opulent that it may have challenged Cinderella’s glass slippers for the title of the most glamorous woman alive. This fanciful outfit, designed by the amazing Jean Pierre Khoury, was nothing less than a creative masterpiece. This dress was suitable for a contemporary princess, with beautiful beadwork that would make even the Sleeping Beauty birds Twitter in glee.
But the main query on everyone’s mind is this: What is the price of this beautiful outfit? Please start a drumroll. An approximate value of Rs. 4.94 lakhs has been assigned to it. Yes, you heard correctly.