Jailer, starring Rajinikanth started its shooting. One of the biggest names in the cinemas is Rajinikanth and he is going to be seen in an upcoming movie named Jailer. The movie has received a great deal of attention as we are going to see Rajinikanth in a new avatar. The movie has started its shooting on Monday i.e. yesterday 22nd August 2022.
The movie is being directed by Nelson Dilipkumar and produced under the banner of Sun Pictures. It is going to be an action-packed movie, this is going to be the first collaboration of the Beast director with Rajinikanth.
Jailer, starring Rajinikanth started its shooting
Rajinikanth was last seen in the movie named Annaatthe which was released on 2021. The film is going to be the gamechanger for the director as he made his first collaboration with Rajinikanth.
On 22nd August 2022, the producer of the movie named Sun Pictures made the announcement that it has started its shooting.
The producer has also tweeted on Twitter from its official page, the tweet reads, “#Jailer begins his action Today! @rajinikanth @Nelsondilpkumar @anirudhofficial (sic)”.
The movie seems to be a treat for huge audiences. It was heard that Tamannaah is going to be the heroine of the movie. Its music will be composed by Anirudh Ravichander. Celebrity hairstylist Aalim Hakim has styled Rajinikanth in Jailer.