On Wednesday, 30th of October acclaimed director Prasanth Varma shared his ambitious new film titled Jai Hanuman’s first look poster. Starring Kantara actor Rishab Shetty, the film features in its poster Lord Hanuman shown as holding an idol of Lord Rama inside what looks like a temple.
The Upcoming Jai Hanuman
Part of the Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe (PVCU), Jai Hanuman is a sequel to one of his earlier hit films, released this year — Hanu-Man. This will undoubtedly increase the excitement surrounding Jai Hanuman, which is already one of the most eagerly awaited movies on the block courtesy of its leading man Rishab Shetty who won a National Award for his work in Kantara.
Varma shared the poster on social media platform X, expressing his excitement about collaborating with the National Award-winning actor and the esteemed Mythri Movie Makers. He wrote, “In the spirit of Diwali and the guiding light of the divine. Honored to be teaming up with @shetty_rishab sir and the prestigious @MythriOfficial to bring our grand vision #JaiHanuman. Let’s begin this DIWALI with the holy chant JAI HANUMAN and resonate it across the globe. #JaiHanumanFirstLook #HappyDiwali (sic).”
A first-look poster of the film was also unveiled and received positive reviews as it made a connection with physical strength and bhakti (devotion) most desirably required to depict Lord Hanuman. The film’s creators have stated that this part will take place in the mythical time of Kaliyuga, showing Lord Hanuman during Agnyathavas or self-imposed exile, a phase where he is dormant but very powerful — an embodiment of unutilized power. Speaking with Mint, Varma states that Jai Hanuman will be a high-octane action film but also delve deep into exploring mythological themes.
Produced by Mythri Movie Makers Naveen Yerneni and Y Ravi Shankar, the film is expected to be a visual extravaganza with benchmark technical standards. With Prasanth Varma both penning and helming the project, this one promises a cinematic experience involving Indian mythology with a contemporary touch. Its stories often have a mix of ancient Indian tales and superheroes like Hanu-Man.
While, Rishab Shetty has his hands full with Kantara Chapter 1, a prequel of sorts which takes the mythos and cultural context further back from the original set in the 300s CE. Meanwhile, Prasanth Varma also gearing up to expand his cinematic universe with Jorugaa Husharuga and Zombie Reddy as a series of small films in the pipeline like Jai Hanuman, Adhira & Mahakali.
Who is directing Jai Hanuman?
Jai Hanuman is directed by Prasanth Varma, known for his previous hit, Hanu-Man.
What role does Rishab Shetty play in Jai Hanuman?
Rishab Shetty stars as Lord Hanuman in the film, carrying an idol of Lord Rama in the first-look poster.