iXiGO, India’s most popular travel booking platform for the next billion users, has announced the launch of PLAN, an intelligent trip planner built on OpenAI. PLAN uses OpenAI’s ChatGPT API to process and understand user preferences, offering them personalized recommendations, suggestions, and itineraries.
ixigo Becomes First Indian Tech Company to Launch ChatGPT Plugin and AI Trip Planner – PLAN by ixigo
PLAN is the first Indian travel company to have an official plugin for ChatGPT, a conversational travel assistant. This allows PLAN to combine the power of an LLM with iXiGO’s data and APIs to answer interesting queries like “Can you recommend summer destinations with abundant greenery and minimal pollution, considering that I enjoyed my trip to Shimla last summer and I am currently residing in Kolkata?”
PLAN is available on the iXiGO website and apps and is accessible to users for free. It lets users build beautiful travel plans and discover fact-checked, personalized attractions, restaurants, activities, hotels, tours, and more.
Travellers can get recommendations for travel destinations based on their current location, time, or weather conditions. Alternatively, if users have a destination in mind they can select from a range of trip themes, or provide their own preferences for a customized trip plan. PLAN will automatically tag, map and generate a detailed itinerary for the chosen destination and chosen theme, additionally integrating weather and AQI updates. PLAN’s conversational user interface enables users to customize itineraries in real time and co-create their perfect trip plans.
Rajnish Kumar, Co-founder and Group CPTO of iXiGO, said, “The perfect trip planning app is one that can create the exact same itinerary for you in seconds as the one you would create on your own after many days of research & iterations. With this end goal in mind, we combined the power of ChatGPT with our own aggregated real-time information to create a seamless, user-friendly experience that makes trip planning a breeze.
We are also proud to become the first Indian tech company to have an official plugin on ChatGPT. This combines the power of an LLM with our data and APIs to answer interesting queries like “Can you recommend summer destinations with abundant greenery and minimal pollution, considering that I enjoyed my trip to Shimla last summer and I am currently residing in Kolkata?”. In the next phase, we will introduce events, social trends, and real-time social sharing allowing users to collaborate with friends and family for a fun and interactive trip-planning experience.”
To learn more about PLAN, visit https://www.ixigo.com/plan.