The Indian Premier League (IPL) and BCCI are set to make it bigger in IPL 2023. As per the industry estimates, IPL’s per match value in the e-auction will surpass the hundred crore mark with ease. This will make the tournament World’s second most expensive Sporting league. It’s all set to overtake Premier League and major league baseball in Per Match value.
Star India had acquired the IPL media rights at Rs 16,348 for the 2019-22 time period. For the time period of 2023-27 period, the BCCI had set a base price at Rs 32,890 crore. The base price for TV rights is Rs 49 crore per match which is a huge value. The digital rights base price is Rs 33 crore per match.
The base price for TV rights is Rs 49 crore per match. The digital rights base price is Rs 33 crore per match.
IPL is all set to overtake Premier League to become the second most expensive sporting property
America’s National Football League (NFL) is the most expensive SPORTS-PROPERTY in the World. The per match value of NFL is in the range of 17.36 million which is Rs. 134 Crores per match. The second most expensive Sports property is Premier League and its per match costs around Rs 81 Crore.
As per reports, the IPL Media Rights value per match is at 54 crores per match and that would actually cross the Premiere League in per match values.
IPL is all set to become the 2nd Costliest Sports property around the globe. the tournament equals the base price of the Premier League per game.
“TV price per match may not see increase more than 20-25%. But the big increase will come from Digital Rights package. All put together the values can touch 115-120 Cr per match according to our estimates”, said Sports Media Rights veteran and CEO of Sporty Solutionz Ashish Chadha