Recently, Apple, the renowned tech giant headquartered in Cupertino, officially introduced its latest iPhone 15 series lineup. Among these devices, the iPhone 15 Pro Max, positioned as the flagship model, has now made an appearance on the AnTuTu benchmark platform, shedding light on its performance and capabilities.
iPhone 15 Pro Max – AnTuTu Benchmark Performance
On the AnTuTu benchmark platform, it’s worth noting that the specific iPhone model under scrutiny is the 8GB RAM and 1TB storage variant. Impressively, it achieved a remarkable total score of 1,641,883 points. A closer examination of the scores reveals that the iPhone 15 Pro Max garnered 392,643 points in the CPU category, 597,734 points in GPU performance, 306,164 points in-memory capabilities (MEM), and a noteworthy 345,342 points in user experience (UX). The AnTuTu benchmark also identifies the powerhouse within this device as the A17 Pro chipset, running on the iOS 17 operating system.
To provide context and perspective, let’s compare the AnTuTu benchmark scores of the iPhone 15 Pro Max with another recent flagship smartphone, the OnePlus Ace 2 Pro, which entered the market just last month. The OnePlus Ace 2 Pro, available in a configuration with 24GB RAM and 1TB storage, is driven by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset clocked at 3.2GHz and operates on the Android 13 operating system.
In this head-to-head comparison, the OnePlus Ace 2 Pro achieves an impressive AnTuTu benchmark score of 1,733,703 points, surpassing that of the iPhone 15 Pro Max. The OnePlus device exhibits superior performance in the CPU category with a score of 456,555 points, as well as in the GPU category, boasting a score of 613,916 points. Additionally, the MEM score of the OnePlus device stands at 363,631 points, outperforming the iPhone 15 Pro Max in this aspect.
However, it’s worth highlighting that the iPhone 15 Pro Max excels in terms of user experience, achieving a higher UX score compared to the OnePlus Ace 2 Pro. This difference highlights Apple’s smooth and seamless user experience.