Flipkart’s Big Billion Days sale, which started on October 3 and will go on till October 10, has Apple iPhone 12 series at offer at their lowest-ever prices starting at Rs 40,999. The retail giant has released attractive deals on smartphones and other consumer electronics for the festive season.
The iPhone 12 Mini was priced at Rs 38,999 and up, while the iPhone 12 was priced at Rs 49,999 and up. As of writing this article, prices of the Mini model are at Rs 40,999 and Rs 52,999 for the iPhone 12 with 64GB respectively.
The 128GB Mini variant is priced at Rs 45,999, and the 256GB model is at Rs 55,999. While for the iPhone 12, the 128 GB variant is priced at Rs 57,999, and the 256GB model at Rs 67,999.
When it comes to iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Mini, they were the centre of attraction during the sale. Flipkart claims that they have sold 2 lakh units of iPhone 12 during the Flipkart Big Billion Days.
You all can also see the effectiveness of this in the Ratings of the phones. Before the big billion days, the number of ratings was around 4-5k and now the number count is around 26k of the iPhone 12 mini. And if we talk about the iPhone 12 then the number is much higher, the rating count is around 52k of iPhone 12, this literally shows that how much the iPhone 12 series become popular during this sale.
This overwhelming response to iPhone 12 series will surely convenience Apple to think about using this strategy again of lowering the price of the iPhone series after 1 year of the launch of that series.