Intel’s 10nm family has seen massive acceptance among the notebook community. With many accusations blaming intel for not releasing any new processors for desktop-grade and server-grade CPUs. But Intel is finally shutting all its critics. The semiconductor giant has announced the release of its new 11th gen Rocket Lake – S processor based on the 14nm process for desktop and gaming CPUs.
Now, however, the silicon manufacturing giant has brought to us an early Christmas present.
Intel’s new Sapphire Rapid platform is Intel’s new entry in for its server-grade CPUs. The new processor same as the Rocket Lake-S will be launched in 2021. They are stated to be based on the SuperFin Enhanced architecture same as Intel’s new Tiger Lake SoCs.
According to the leaker Matthew at Adored TV, the new platform from Intel will be based on MCM design and will feature up to 56 cores
It is also leaked to have 400-watt TDP which is a massive boost from its predecessor.
The Sapphire Rapids will come with support for DDR5 memory and the latest PCIe 5.0. This will truly make the Sapphire Rapid a “next-generation” data-center chip along with the addition of the new CXL 1.1 interconnect. The semiconductor manufacturer also plans to release the OneAPI. In order to complete its master plan of a unified data center ecosystem.
According to the leak, the Sapphire Rapids constructions will include 4 CPU tiles that will sport 14 cores each. The CPUs will contain 4 HBM2 stacks that have a maximum memory of 64 GB. The CPU will offer bandwidth from these 4 HBM2 stacks at 1 TB/s. According to the source, the HBM2 and GDDR5 RAM will work together in flat, caching/2LM along with hybrid modes.
As of now the Specifications that we got our hands-on, seems to suggest the Sapphire Rapid as a real powerhouse.
We certainly hope that the real-time performance is on par with all the specifications provided in the leak. However, 2021 is going to be absolutely spectacular year for technology. The semiconductor battle is going to light up the skies of the coming year.
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