Infinix Smart 6 Plus was launched in India on Friday as the recent addition to the company’s Smart 6 series. The phone has a 6.82-inch HD+ display and is charged by a MediaTek Helio G25 SoC. The handset also comes with expanded RAM that takes up to 3GB of storage and uses it as RAM for easy working. The new smartphone from Infinix gets a dual rear camera and a front camera with two LED torches. It has a 5,000mAh battery.
Infinix Smart 6 Plus: Specifications and Features
The dual-SIM (Nano) Smart 6 Plus runs on Android 12 (Go edition)-based XOS 10 and has a 6.82-inch Drop cleft HD+ with 440 nits brightness, and a 90.6 percent screen-to-body ratio. The phone is charged by a MediaTek Helio G25 SoC combined with 3GB of RAM. There is also an expanded RAM feature that can take up to 3GB of storage and use it as RAM (productive 6GB) for sputter-less performance.
For photos and videos, the Smart 6 Plus comes with a dual rear camera setup focused by an 8-megapixel main sensor, combined with an AI depth sensor and dual LED torch. The handset is also armed with a 5-megapixel sensor on the front for selfies and video calls. There is also a committed dual LED torch.
The Smart 6 Plus provides 64GB of integral storage, which can be extended (up to 512GB) through a microSD card slot. Connectivity options on the phone include 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a Micro-USB port. Sensors consigned to the Smart 6 Plus include a proximity sensor, ambient light sensor, and G-sensor. The handset has a 5,000mAh battery and comes with a committed fingerprint sensor as well as a face unlock feature for protection.
Infinix Smart 6 Plus: Price and availability in India
The Smart 6 Plus price in India has been set at Rs. 7,999. It is an initial cost. The smartphone will go on sale in the country from the 3rd of August on Flipkart and will be available in Crystal Violet, Tranquil Sea Blue, and Miracle Black color options.