Infinix is planning to launch a new laptop in India soon, dubbed the Infinix INBook Y1 Plus. It has been confirmed that it will be available on Flipkart. The e-commerce platform has also created a microsite for the laptop that is only accessible via its mobile app. The listing reveals some of the device’s key specifications. However, the INBook Y1 Plus’s release date is currently unknown.
The Infinix INBook Y1 Plus will be available in Silver, Blue, and Grey.
According to the Flipkart website, it will have a 15.6-inch display with an FHD+ resolution. It will have ultra-narrow bezels, a brightness of 250 nits, and an 86 percent sRGB colour gamut. The laptop will have dual stereo speakers capable of producing 2W of sound output. The machine is powered by a 50Whr battery unit that is said to provide 10 hours of video playback. The upcoming model will support 45W charging via a Type-C port, recharging 75 percent in an hour.
The rest of the Infinix INBook Y1 Plus’s hardware specifications are unknown. Flipkart revealed that it will be powered by an Intel Core processor and will be available for Rs 30,000 later this month.
In addition to the INBook Y1 Plus laptop, Infinix will soon release the Smart 7 smartphone. It is confirmed to have 500 nits of brightness, 4GB RAM with 3GB virtual RAM, 64GB storage, and a 6,000mAh battery with USB-C support. The smartphone is expected to cost less than Rs 7,500.
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