Infinix has launched a new laptop “Infinix INBook X3 Slim” in the Indian market to attract new customers with an attractive price range. As the name suggests, the laptop has a small design and bezels. It comes equipped with a 1080P webcam, a 12th Gen Intel CPU, up to 16GB of RAM, 1TB of SSD storage, rapid charging technology, and many more features. Examine the starting price and the stock level.
Infinix INBook X3 Slim specifications
Specifications | 12th Gen INBook X3 Slim i3 | 12th Gen INBook X3 Slim i5 | 12th Gen INBook X3 Slim i7 |
Processor | 12th Gen Intel Core i3 | 12th Gen Intel Core i5 | 12th Gen Intel Core i7 |
Storage | Up to 1TB NVMe PCIe 3.0 SSD | Up to 1TB NVMe PCIe 3.0 SSD | Up to 1TB NVMe PCIe 3.0 SSD |
Weight | 1.24 kg | 1.24 kg | 1.24 kg |
Audio | Dual stereo speakers + DTS | Dual stereo speakers + DTS | Dual stereo speakers + DTS |
Battery Life | Up to 11 hours | Up to 11 hours | Up to 11 hours |
RAM | Up to 16GB | Up to 16GB | Up to 16GB |
Infinix INBook X3 Slim comes with an aluminium alloy metal body that is 14.8mm thick and 1.24kg in weight. It has a 14-inch FHD screen with a brightness of 300 nits and 100% sRGB coverage. It has NVMe PCIe 3.0 SSD and 12th-generation Intel Core i3, i5, and i7 CPUs.
The INBook X3 Slim has a number of connectors, including two USB Type-C ports (one for charging and data transfer, the other solely for data transfer), two USB 3.0 ports, an HDMI 1.4 port, a 3.5mm headphone socket, and an SD card slot. Additionally, it has Bluetooth 5.1 and Wi-Fi 6 802.11 ax. A backlit keyboard is supported, and there is a 1080p Dual Star Light Flash web camera.
Infinix INBook X3 Slim is priced from Rs 33,990 on up. There will be access to the laptops. There are four colour options for the laptop, including Blue, Silver, Green, and Red. According to rumours, the laptop will be offered on the e-commerce website Flipkart as of August 25.
Under the INBook X3 Slim series, Infinix has introduced three laptops. The laptops are equipped with 12th-generation processors and come in Core i3, Core i5, and Core i7 configurations.
- 8GB+512GB (i3): Rs.33,990
- 16GB+512GB (i5): Rs.39,490
- 16GB+512GB (i7): Rs.49,990