After Bareli ki Barfi, Rajkumar Rao and Kriti Sanon are once again going to collaborate for this latest film. The last Wednesday, the teaser of the film has been released, and also has been confirmed about the release date.
The story of the film has been typically indicating the production house of Maddock Films like the previously released film Stree, Luka Chuppi, Bala, and Mimi. It has introduced Kriti and Rajkumar, the teaser has left a question that “Ab humare hero kya Karega?”. It seems that the answer is for adopting the parents.
This film will be featuring Kriti Sanon and Rajkumar Rao in the lead role, it is also starring Paresh Rawal, Ratna Pathak, and Aparkshakti Khurana. The story of the film has been wr4itten by Abhishek Jain, Prashant Jha, and Abhijeet Khuman.
The story of this film revolves around a young couple who has taken the decision of adopting two parents to fulfill the void in their lives. It also contains a lot of drama and comedy. It is definitely a unique story.
After sharing the teaser of Hum Do Humare Do on Instagram, Kriti wrote, “Yeh Diwali…Familywaali Presenting the teaser.
#HumDoHumareDo Streaming soon on
It is expected that this film will r4release in the fourth quarter of 2021. It has et to release on Disney + Hotstar OTT.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.