HP has launched its newest Pavilion Plus laptops, the HP Pavilion Plus 14 and 16, aimed at a younger audience. These laptops have 13th Gen Intel Core processors and AMD Ryzen 7 series processors, as well as NVIDIA RTX 3050 graphics, enabling smooth performance in a fast-paced environment. These laptops also have IMAX enhanced screens, which provide users with an immersive experience with high-quality graphics, audio, and premium digital content.
With kids trying to juggle schoolwork, leisure, and social activities, a dependable computer that excels at cooperation, enjoyment, and creativity is essential, and the HE Pavilion Plus laptops will come in handy.
The HP Pavilion Plus 16 is available in Warm Gold and Natural Silver for INR 1,24,999, and the HP Pavilion Plus 14 is available in Moonlight Blue and Natural Silver for INR 91,999.
In their statement, HP India reiterated its commitment to evolving and improving the ecosystem to meet the dynamic needs of modern consumers. These laptops are designed to fit smoothly into hybrid lives, with intuitive design, IMAX-enhanced displays for an outstanding viewing experience, and smart Al features for work and privacy.
The HP Pavilion Plus 16 has a 16-inch 2.5K WQXGA display, a 13th Generation Intel Core i7 processor, a 90% screen-to-body ratio, and a 16:10 aspect ratio for greater performance. It also includes NVIDIA RTX 3050 graphics and a 120Hz Variable Refresh Rate for improved resolution and battery efficiency. The laptop has a 68 Whr battery for all-day use, WiFi 6e for quicker wireless speed, and a 5MP IR camera for security and smooth networking.
The HP Pavilion Plus 14 has an 88% screen-to-body ratio and a 16:10 aspect ratio for seamless viewing, as well as a 13th Gen Intel Core i7 Processor and an AMD Ryzen 7 7840H Processor. It is lightweight and slim, making it ideal for both work and travel, and it has a battery life of up to 13 hours with 2.8K OLED clarity. Both laptops are made using environmentally friendly materials, such as post-industrial recycled and post-consumer recycled metal.
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