Amazon Prime Day has been announced in India and it is scheduled for 26th – 27th July. A lot of new products will be launched in these two days from several brands. Apart from new launches, there will be several eye-catching deals and discounts on several products like smartphones and electronics.
Amazon Prime Day will offer some of the best deals on Smartphones on 26th and 27th July. So we will discus, how you can find all the amazing smartphone deals on Amazon Prime Day, and how to get them.
Step 1: First go to Amazon and click on the below image, from the home page banner.
Step 2: Then on the next page scroll down to find the below image, with the heading “Stay connected with the latest Smartphones” where you can see all the deals on all the smartphones that will be available on Amazon Prime Day.
Step 3: On this page, you can find all the deals and pricing of the discounted smartphones. The deals will be revealed ahead of the launch.
Visit the page directly by clicking here.
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