How To Delete Your LinkedIn Account – A Simple Guide
LinkedIn, the popular professional networking platform, provides users with a platform to connect with colleagues, showcase their skills, and build professional relationships. If you find yourself in a situation where you wish to terminate your LinkedIn account due to certain reasons, this comprehensive guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to delete your LinkedIn account in 2023.
Table of Contents
How To Delete Your LinkedIn Account
Is there a difference between deactivating and deleting my LinkedIn account?
Deactivating: Temporarily hides your profile from others. You can reactivate it later if you choose.
Deleting: Permanently removes your profile, connections, and information from LinkedIn.
How can I permanently delete my LinkedIn account?
You can delete your account through a web browser (not the mobile app).
Go to Settings & Privacy > Account Preferences > Account Management.
Click “Change” next to “Close account” and follow the on-screen instructions.
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