The Honor Pad X9 has already been released in the global market and will soon make its debut in India. Amazon India has announced the launch of the tablet in the country, and it has also been listed on Honor’s India website. However, the specific dates for the launch and sale have not been disclosed yet. The latest tablet from Honor features an 11.5-inch IPS LCD display, a Snapdragon 685 4G SoC, and a 7,250mAh battery.
The Honor Pad X9 is showcased on the Honor India website and will be available in a single color option, Space Gray. It will be offered in two variants: one with 4GB RAM and 128GB storage. The tablet can be purchased through Amazon India, as a banner for the Honor Pad X9 is already confirmed on the website.
Honor Pad X9 Specs and Features
According to the listing on the Honor India website, the Honor Pad X9 sports an 11.5-inch 2K (1,200 x 2,000 pixels) HD LCD display with a 120Hz refresh rate. The display offers an 86 percent screen-to-body ratio and a 100 percent RGB color gamut. The tablet is powered by a Snapdragon 685 4G SoC paired with 4GB of RAM and up to 128GB of storage. It also supports expandable RAM technology, allowing users to convert unused storage into virtual RAM, with up to 3GB capacity.
For photography and video purposes, the Honor Pad X9 comes with a 5-megapixel rear camera and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera for selfies and video calls. It is equipped with six speakers that promise an improved audio experience compared to its predecessor.
Connectivity options on the Honor Pad X9 include Wi-Fi 5, Bluetooth 5.1, and a USB Type-C port. The tablet houses a 7,250mAh battery, but the charging speed details have not been disclosed yet. Additionally, the tablet’s dimensions are listed as 267.3 x 167.4 x 6.9 mm, and it weighs 499g.