A new laptop from Honor has been launched in India and it’s the HONOR MagicBook X14, the same laptop introduced at the start of last year with 10th Gen Intel processors, now, relaunched in 2023 with still older 11th Gen Core i5 CPU. Targeted towards those who need affordable laptops, the new HONOR MagicBook X14 will be exclusively sold on Amazon India tomorrow onwards, marking the start of the Great Republic Days Sale.
HONOR MagicBook X14 with 11th Gen Core i5 launched at ₹41,990
Essentially, the MagicBook X14 retains all its basic features like an Aluminium body, 56Wh battery for all-day battery life, fast charging, a backlit camera and much more.
In terms of specifications, the new MagicBook X14 will sport an Intel Core i5-1135G7 processor which is very basic in terms of performance. So, this laptop is clearly meant for those who want an entry-level laptop with a premium design, good battery life and a decent FHD display for most users.
The display is also certified by TUV Rheinland as flicker-free, making it great for all-day usage, the laptop is also very light, carrying it won’t be a problem at all. Also, with a fingerprint sensor baked into the power button and thanks to the pure Windows 11 experience, anyone can enjoy smooth everyday usage.
Priced at ₹41,990, expect more launch offers on this Great Republic Days sale, buy from Amazon India: https://amzn.to/3XwfGwf