On the eve of the Far Cry 6 launch, Ubisoft is giving away of the best games in its entire Far Cry series – the Far Cry 3. The game is currently available for free till September 11th and you can too get a free copy of the game via Ubisoft Connect PC launcher.
Well, it is an old title, launched back in 2012, however, the game averages 575 concurrent players on Steam as Videocardz says. Also on a personal point of note, I do like the storyline of the game and if you have an old PC or GPU or even use an APU for gaming, grabbing this game for free wouldn’t be a bad idea at all.
So, the third game in the Far Cry series is an open-world first-person soother with weaponry customizations and either long-range sniping or stealthy hitman-style takedowns. For those who like story mode games with a lot action, you can grab hold of Far Cry 3 for free!
Grab your free copy here: https://lite.al/ZEtEMq