Netflix has dropped the new trailer of ‘Heartbreak High’ the upcoming teen comedy show that has been set to be available in coming September. The new trailer reveals Amerie has become a social pariah at the school just after her sex map that has exposed got the entire student body. With the loss of her best friend due to the controverts, she can able to find friendship with such outsiders Quinn and Darren.
Heartbreak High is mainly an Australian about the coming of age set to reboot the 1994 series of the same name. It has created and also able to written by Hannah Caro Chapman, Ben Gannon, and Michael Jenkins.
The story of the Netflix show is based on such a high-octane ride, the show is also able to delve into the minds and lives of a group of Australian teenagers. The new discovery of the secret map that has made the charts on the hook-ups in those school years creates the architect, Amerie as the instant pariah. In Having an effort that set about the hypersexual students just direct, the school forces them into the sexual straight, the school also has forced them having a Sexual Literacy Program. Along with her new friends, the outsiders, Quinn, and Darren, Amerie also set to develop her reputation while it has evolved around love, sex, and Heartbreak.
This is mainly eight episodes show that features Ayesha Madon, Jamon Majors, Chloe Hayden, Asher Yasbincek, Thomas Weather all, Will McDonalds, Josh Heuston, Sherry-Lee Watson, Brodie Townsend, Gemma Chua-Tran, Chika Ikogwe, and Rachel House. The series was also produced by Jenkins, Carly Heaton, Sarah Freeman, Brian Abel, and Megan Palinkas. The production by FremantleMedia.
Here is the trailer:
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