It has not been long after the GTA 6 Trailer has launched and it already set a benchmark for upcoming games. The trailer was launched on December 5, and after numerous rumors and leaks, it finally made it.
Since then, it has gotten millions of views on YouTube, even so much to break its predecessors’ records. Well, we can say that the magic of the GTA series hasn’t diminished even after so many years. And with its new entry into the gaming franchise, we are going to see many more records breaking.
To know more about the GTA 6 trailer and its record-breaking viewership please give this article a read. So let’s dive in.
GTA 6 Trailer Gets Record-Breaking Viewership
The GTA 6 trailer was launched on December 5 on YouTube after many years of announcements, rumors, and leaks. There was a little bit of doubt regarding the viewership of the game’s trailer and people assumed that it would not get many views.
However, to falsify their assumptions that GTA 6 Trailer has got record-breaking reviews. Till now it has more than 100 million views on YouTube after its release.
That is a lot more than the views GTA 5 trailer has got now since its release 12 years ago. And that’s not all this viewership is more than any video has gotten to this date after its release.
Now there are only two videos ahead of the game trailer with more views in such a short span. They are videos by BTS, the world-popular Korean K–pop boys band.
We all know the popularity of this Korean K-pop band and its members are famous all across the world. Its two videos have more viewership than the GTA 6 trailer, named Dynamite and Butter.
Dynamite is a BTS song released in August 2020, and in the first 24 hours, it got 101.1 million views. The next is the Butter song video which was released in May 2021 and got 108 million views in the first 24 hours.
Before the release of the GTA 6 Trailer, the third place was acquired by another K-pop band video, BLACKPINK. It was released in June 2020 and within 24 hours it got more than 86 million views.
However, now the third position is bagged by the GTA 6 trailer which in the 24 hours got more than 91 million views. So, we can see the popularity of the GTA 6 making it definitely the most anticipated GTA game.
This viewership could have been higher, if the recent leak hadn’t spoiled the trailer. Because of that, the gaming studio had to release the trailer earlier than scheduled, when it was night in Europe and the Middle East.
So, surely this has affected the viewership of the trailer, otherwise, we could have witnessed more record-breaking achievements. Nevertheless, the trailer of GTA 6 did good and made it clear how many players were waiting for the game.