Google has recently launched its Pixel 7 series powered by their new Tensor G2 chip sourced from Samsung and while it flawed more of its AI capabilities the performance front was swept out easily during the presentation. Now that reviews of the Pixel 7s are out while everyone is talking about its camera capabilities and is good to use for everyday use, not a lot of them aren’t talking about this Tensor G2 chip itself.
So, tipster @Golden_Reviwer has taken the performance of Tensor G2 on Twitter where we see this chip to be far behind in terms of graphics than the Snapdragons or Dimensity chips. The GPU performance is similar to the Exynos 2100 chip which launched last year and is powering the Galaxy S22 series in someplace.
So, this is the reason why even in terms of raw CPU performance is also similar to the Galaxy S22 series which is just not flagship level. This is the reason why people are calling this Tensor G2 more of a refreshed Exynos 2100 that too in 2022, this is not expected from Google.
Though it might be a move to keep prices affordable as long as users don’t complain in terms of daily performance, the Pixel 7 series does the job perfectly.