After the launch of Pixel 4a and Pixel 5, the whole world is waiting for the upcoming Pixel smartphone from Google. A recent report suggests that Google might launch a new pixel smartphone, named Google Pixel XE. As of now, the company has not confirmed anything, but a set of live photos of that smartphones have been surfaced online which gives us a little glimpse of the design and display of the upcoming Pixel XE. So, let’s go and try to breakdown those live images.
At first, let’s talk about its design. It looks that the Pixel XE will have a hole-punch display and the cutout placed at the top-middle part of the screen. In terms of the bezels, those are quite thicker to look (up, down, and sides). We can not witness the rear panel of it. So, no information regarding the rear camera module. Next what we can see that this phone supports NFC and has two SIM card slots. In place of the phone, we can see Google Pixel XE, by which we can confirm its retail name. Now that’s all we can get from those live images whereas the rest is still a mystery.
Google has not shared any information regarding the release date of the phone. So, we hope in the upcoming days, the company will release more of this upcoming pixel smartphone. A few months ago, Google has launched the Pixel 5 and Pixel 4a 5G, and now we are onto the next one, the Google Pixel XE.