According to recent rumors, Google‘s first-ever foldable and its next mid-range smartphone are both scheduled to make their public debut at the same time during the tech giant’s annual developer conference. Both the Pixel Fold and the Pixel 7a are rumored to make their formal debuts at Google I/O on May 10, with the former event taking place on that day.
Everything You Need to Know about Google Pixel Fold and 7a!
Although it is possible that both of these things will be publicized at the same time, they will not be released at the same time. Charcoal, Snow, Sea, and Coral are the four color options that will be offered for the Pixel 7a, with Coral being the only one that can be purchased via the Google Store. The Pixel 7a can be purchased starting today for the price of $499.
This marks a price increase of $50 in comparison to the Pixel 6a; nevertheless, it is interesting to note that Google will continue to sell the Pixel 6a even after the Pixel 6a’s replacement has been made available to the public. It is presumed that this indicates that it may also experience a minor decrease in price beginning on May 10; however, at this point, it is merely conjecture on the part of the author.
According to rumors, the Pixel 7a will have a new primary camera with 64 megapixels and a 13MP ultrawide lens in addition to the Tensor G2 system-on-chip, a screen with a refresh rate of 90 hertz, and wireless charging capabilities. On the other side of the price range offered by Google is a device named the Pixel Fold, which is rumored to cost $1,799. The Google Store will begin accepting pre-orders on May 10, and carrier stores will follow suit on May 30. The catch is that you won’t get access to it until June 27th.