After months of leaks and rumors, Google has officially announced the launch of its Pixel 9 series by sending out invites. So far, that Pixel launch event is set for 10 AM PT on August 13th – a full two months earlier than the typical October timing Google uses to push out its own products. This is verified by the Google Store (US) page at this point in time.
The Upcoming Google Pixel 9 Series
While the event page does not give us a clue that they are indeed launching anything new, it points to an AI focus (dubbed “Magic”). A teaser video confirms the camera setup on the Pixel 9 series to have a new visor design, as per previous leaks. But the teaser hints that it might be either Pixel 9 Pro or Pixel 9 Pro XL, and there are three cameras on its back in a new oval-shaped camera module whereas the traditional visor-shaped one has been used from Google’s last year flagship series starting with original panda design.
Google has also shared the same teaser on its social media channels in India, indicating the phones will be available there as well, with an India launch date of August 14. This follows the pattern of the Pixel 8 series, which includes the Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, and Pixel 8a. Speculation runs high, but it has been confirmed that at the very least, Google will unveil the Pixel 9 series, complete with a larger XL model.
All of these phones will be powered by the new Tensor G4 SoC, which is still made by Samsung, according to rumors. Rumors also suggest that there will be a new foldable, the Pixel Fold 2 with a new main display design and squarish aspect ratio. Parallelly, it is also rumored that a new Pixel Watch 3 and Pixel Watch 3 XL with larger displays and perhaps more prominent batteries necessitating a different strap fastening system, will be launched. The Pixel Watch 3 XL will have a similar design to both Pixel Watch 3 and Pixel Watch 2 available in India.
When and where is Google launching the Pixel 9 series?
Google’s global launch event for the Pixel 9 series is on August 13 at 10 AM PT. It will be streamed live, details available on the Google Store (US) webpage.
What can we expect from the Pixel 9 series announcement?
Teasers suggest Google will unveil new Pixel 9 models, potentially including the Pixel 9 Pro and Pixel 9 Pro XL with a new visor camera design. Rumors also hint at a Pixel Fold 2 and new Pixel Watch 3 models.