With the launch of the Pixel 4a LTE version, the company has also revealed the 5G version of the same device. Even the company has also revealed that Google Pixel 5 is also on the way. The Pixel 4a 5G and the Pixel 5 are on the way. Though the company has already revealed the price of the Pixel 4a 5G which seems to be decent.
Google has set the price of Pixel 4a 5G at $499, which is $150 more than the LTE or 4G version which is launched today.
Some new renders of the Google Pixel 5 has surfaced showing similar camera layout design like the Pixel 4a. The Pixel 4a has only one camera at the back but comes with a punch hole cut design at front. But the Pixel 5 has a dual rear camera setup while the phone will feature the old bezel with wide forehead and chin.
No notch design can be seen in this smartphone, which kind of feels old at this point. But the company has yet not revealed the specifications of the phone. The phone will launch within October but the launch date has not been fixed by the company yet.