Google has reacted to the CCI’s decision to impose a fine of Rs 1,338 crore on the search engine giant for “anti-competitive practices.” The business is considering CCI’s accusations and will be determining what to do next. According to the American tech behemoth, this is a “major setback for consumers and businesses.”
A Google spokesperson told that the new CCI order will end up being a setback for Indian users. The spokesperson said, “The CCI’s decision is a major setback for Indian consumers and businesses, opening serious security risks for Indians who trust Android’s security features, and raising the cost of mobile devices for Indians.”
The Rs 1,337.6 crore fine against Google was announced by CCI in a public statement on Thursday.
The declaration also provided a timeframe by which the corporation must change its behaviour. Google has been ordered to stop engaging in a number of unfair business practises by CCI, which has accused the internet giant of abusing its dominating position in certain regions in connection to Android mobile devices.
A fine of Rs. 1338 crore is a small percentage of the company’s prior fine payments to other countries. The government’s demands for change, though, might be disastrous for the nation’s largest search engine.
- Users are free to remove Google’s pre-installed apps without restriction.
- Users will be able to select Google as their default search engine for all search entry points during the initial device setup.
- Users should be able to quickly modify the default settings on their devices and easily create new ones with the fewest number of steps possible.
- Google must permit app store creators to distribute their shops via Play Store.
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