Google’s assistant which debuted way back along with Pixel 4 devices will now be getting a new UI. The Assistant whose on-device processing is also being improved by the android maker will have its UI design changed since its first appearance on Pixel 4.
The original translucent look of the Assistant was a clear message indicating that Google wanted the Assistant to be in the background. However, that’s now changing, and the new Google Assistant’s original UI is disappearing this weekend.
For a few days, users have been reporting that the translucent-to-transparent interface which we saw saying the “Hi, how can I help?” prompt — along with shortcuts for Snapshot and keyboard input — has disappeared.
Now the old interface is replaced by a compact sheet that’s either dark grey or white, which entirely depends on the theme of your device. However, the Assistant “g” logo is solid and not multicoloured, and the same prompt appears and the text entry button in the right corner is also the same as usual. Coming to a height of the new Assistant UI, it still roughly takes up the same space as the previous UI however, the ability to see your dock or background is now nullified.
Even if the looks have changed and the original translucent UI is gone, this is still the original and better on-device new Google Assistant. Some commands (i.e., turn on/off flashlight) are still working offline without an internet connection.
The recent UI changes have become more apparent on devices that are on both Android 11 and 12 and are running recent versions of the Google app (beta). For other users, the update might take some time to kick in.
Reports suggest that Google could be updating NGA’s look to unify Assistant’s appearance, however, the new look is very plain and lacks the attractiveness of the original design
This much-improved preservation of context and subtlety reveals how Google wants you to interact with Assistant. In the past, the voice was an experience that took up the entire display and often brought you to a scrollable feed. The new Assistant on the Pixel 4 is now more akin to Google’s proclaimed ambient computing future where interacting with help should occur without forethought of disrupting your life.