SVF has recently dropped the trailer of Dev starring Golondaaj. It is an upcoming historical sports drama film. The story of the film is mainly based on the life of the great Indian footballer Nagendra Prasad Sarbadhikari.
This man is known as the father of Indian Football, he was the first Indian to play footballer, depicts it in the mainstream of the sports in this country.
The trailer of the film star the British rulers who are kicking the football and demanding that it is their game. The plot of the film is based on the era of British ruling in India, the trailer also depicts the torture of the British ruler on the normal people of India.
Since childhood, the footballer has been brought up by watching torture and also faced many struggles. It was the time when Indians become angry due to the torture of the British and tried d to give an answer at any cost in any way.
Nagendra was growing up by fighting wrestling, the man is demanding the same right in this game as the British. There are many men who have told that he is fighting the impossible game.
It is literally a blood-warming film. The trailer also shows the tremendous dedication of the Indians to fight with them as they are training as hard as they could. The journey of the great footballer is not that much easy as the Britishers has planned to slap him and have become injured before the game, that time he got huge support from her wife as she had helped to recover from the wound.
This football match was not just a match but a fight between the Indians and the British. All the Hindus, Muslims, and all cast become reunited to fight against them.
The Indian footballers gave faces without any boots in front of the British rulers. It seems that the match will be a terrible one as the Indian footballers have been ready to sacrifice their life but not lose anymore. They got several injuries during the match, it is definitely an answer to the Britishers about the willpower and strength of Indians.
The trailer ends with the dialogue of Superstar Dev that in the crew of Sheep, Lion will not be born. It will definitely be an incredible sports drama film.
This film is featuring Dev as Nagendra Prasad Sarbadhikary, Ishaa Saha, Indrashish Roy, John Bhattacharya, Anirban Bhattacharya, Alex O Nell, and Srikanto Acharya.
Release Date
This incredible sports drama film will release on 10th October 2021 on theatre.
Here is the trailer: