Today is the birthday of Kollywood actor Chiranjeevi, the makers already have unveiled a short teaser of the latest political thriller GodFather. The teaser already got a huge response from the audience. In the teaser, we can see, ‘Megastar’ Chiranjeevi, and Bollywood superstar Salman Kahn, in the female lead we will see ‘Lady Superstar’ Nayanthara and Satya Dev.
The latest teaser of Godfather has promises the viewers about the action-packed film and also revering performances from the cast. The film has been a guaranteed popcorn flick that’s just featuring everything from those action set pieces that spotlighted the brotherhood. Salman’s presence in the movie makes the film spicier.
In the extended cameo, Salman Khan appears in such an extended cameo in Godfather. Earlier, Chiranjeevi just exposed the reason why he has chosen Salman for the role in the Telugu film. At the event, he said, “The character didn’t need someone along with heart and brain but needed someone for their physicality, and that’s the reason we went with Salman.”
The film Godfather is mainly a Telugu remake of the Malayalam blockbuster Lucifer. The 2019 film marked the directorial debut of Prithviraj, and also had Mohanlal in the main role. Additionally, in directing it, Prithviraj will play the supporting role. It has been believed that Salman will be fit for the shoes of Prithviraj in the remake.
Godfather has been written and directed by Mohan Raja. The film also arrives in cinemas on the occasion of Dussehra this year.
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