Go Pro has launched its latest action camera namely Hero 9 Black in India and its available on Amazon. It features a new design with a front-facing colour display. Every aspect of Hero 9 Black has been improved from its previous generation.
Featuring a 1.4-inch front display and 2.27-inch rear display the camera itself serves as a live preview when taking selfies. The inclusion of the front display is the biggest change that we have seen in Hero 9 black.
Hero 9 black as a 23.6MP sensor that can output 20MP images at 5k/30FPS. The device comes with 1720 mah of battery which is 40% larger then Hero 8 black. Though GoPro promises that Hero 9 black will have long-lasting battery life it majorly depends on the video mode in which you are shooting.
Go Pro Hero 9 also has a removable front camera lens cover while also introducing a new mod called “Max Lens” for $99. The mod adds an even wider frame and horizontal levelling no matter the orientation of the camera.
The Hero 9 Black retails for US$449.99, although GoPro is currently offering the camera for US$349.98 with a 1-year subscription to GoPro and a 32 GB micro SD card.
So, the Indian price of Go Pro Hero 9 is Rs 49,500. It is available both on Amazon and Flipkart.
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What is the source of this news?
On the Amazon website they haven’t mentioned anything like this.
Yes the launch of Go Pro Hero 9 Black is given on the Amazon.in website. Please visit the buy from here link, it will redirect you to the Amazon page.
It’s still not up on the Amazon website. When will they release it?
Fake guy. Hungry for clicks.#Fraud
Amazon Sale is live. No update on GoPro Hero 9. 😑😑
Fake update, also it will cost more than 40k
can you tell the source of this information please?
See Amazon didn’t launch go pro 9 today, you are also friend of arnab goshwami.😡😡
Amazon has given the product launch page and it is still live. Please visit the link and see for yourselves. I haven’t given any fake news.
In the blog you said “It will be available from 16th October for all Prime members on Amazon’s Great Indian Festival and from 17th October for all the users.”
So this was just your assumption right?
Rookie mistake?
The Go Pro Hero 9 was scheduled to launch during Amazon Great Indian Festival. Maybe there has been some issues with the launch. It will be launched shortly.
Any information when it’ll be launched?
He doesn’t have any idea. He is as clueless as we are.
Hungry Buoy.
What a clicks-hungry mother fucker!
Hy Rahul.
Did you hear anything about Gopro Hero 9 for upcoming Diwali sale in 10th-14th Nov’2020?
Is it October 2020 or 2021?🤔
Hello Rahul,
Exactly when GoPro hero 9 will be available in India?
Thanks in advance 🙂
Hey guys,
I have enquired from one of the website who are taking pre order request.
They told that all the shipment of go pro is stuck at customs in mumbai frm past two weeks
This is the reason for the launch delay in india
Any update on this Saurabh?
Buying Go pro 9 currently is an bad idea. It has lot of bugs which cant be avoided while filming.
then Yes, its an bad idea.
And GoPro makes sure that it is not released in India before all bugs are fixed.
Nice decision
There is term called updates.
Nice decision lol.
October is gone bhai…what is new update ? I am waiting for
Hello, I am Mr. Know it all
GoPro hero 9 black might launch in India around 10-11 November.
GoPro hero 9 launching on 6 November.
Amazon India has slashed the prices of GoPro Hero 9 by 10k and you can get it for 39k directly. https://amzn.to/3g2tOc8