The Karnataka government said Thursday that Foxconn, a key Apple supplier, will begin producing iPhones at its Devanahalli factory near Bengaluru airport in April 2024. MB Patil, Karnataka’s Minister for Large and Medium Industries, stated that the Taiwanese electronics giant, Foxconn, intends to begin manufacturing iPhones at its proposed Devanahalli plant.
The state government would provide the company with the necessary land and infrastructure by July 1 to enable the manufacturing process, according to the minister.
“The identified 300 acres of land at ITIR of Devanahalli would be handed over by July 1,” Patil said. “The government would ensure providing water, quality power supply, road connectivity, and other infrastructure facilities to facilitate the manufacturing process”.
Foxconn, which is the world’s largest contract electronics manufacturer said last month that it had purchased a vast plot of land in Bengaluru’s innovation cluster.
Foxconn announced in a statement to the London Stock Exchange that it had purchased 1.2 million square metres of land in Devanahalli, near Bengaluru’s airport.
Foxconn has also set an aim of producing 2 crore iPhones per year at the Devanahalli factory. After China’s rigorous COVID-related restrictions hampered the production of new iPhones and other gadgets, Apple has begun relocating production away from the nation. The IT behemoth is also attempting to prevent a blow to its company as a result of tensions between Beijing and Washington.
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