Flipkart is expected to introduce a new service for its Indian users soon. Currently, the company has a customer benefits program called Flipkart Plus, which rewards customers with SuperCoins for frequent shopping. The upcoming program, tentatively named Flipkart Plus Premium, has been teased, but it is confirmed that it will offer free membership to users.
All About the Plus Premium Membership
Unlike what the word “Premium” might suggest, this new program will not be a paid subscription service. Instead, it will provide enhanced benefits compared to the existing Plus membership. Specific details about the benefits of Plus Premium have not been disclosed yet, but they are expected to be revealed within the next two weeks.
One thing that has been confirmed is that the Plus Premium membership will be free for customers. Users will receive SuperCoins and other rewards that can be used on the app or website for purchasing various products.
It is likely that the new customer benefits program will be in addition to the existing Flipkart Plus program. To become a Flipkart Plus member, customers can sign up using SuperCoins earned through their purchases on the website. The existing benefits of the Plus program encompass complimentary shipping, higher SuperCoins earnings, early access to sales, and priority customer support. Becoming a Flipkart Plus member requires spending 200 SuperCoins, and members earn four SuperCoins for every ₹100 spent on Flipkart.
The announcement of the Plus Premium membership comes shortly after Flipkart’s Big Saving Days sale and ahead of the annual Big Billion Days Sale, which is expected to take place in September. Introducing this new loyalty program a month before the sale aims to attract customers and encourage them to explore the benefits of Plus Premium.
As of now, it is unclear whether existing Plus members will receive complimentary access to Plus Premium or if they will need to pay extra SuperCoins. Additionally, the exact number of SuperCoins required to become a Plus Premium member has not been disclosed yet. More information about these aspects should be available in the coming weeks.