Fisaddi Trailer Released: The team behind Fisaddi, featuring Bhuvan Arora and Poojan Chabbra, has released a trailer that explores the dynamics between the two brothers and their sibling rivalry. Fisaddi is about the legendary college figure Goldie with a larger-than-life charming personality and his brother Vimal, who embodies everything that Goldie aspires to be — set against the vibrant campus background of Allahabad.
Fisaddi Trailer Out
The trailer on YouTube gives a sneak peek into the ups and downs in their relationship, along with other primary characters enacted by Priyal Mahajan, Rajesh Jais, Gopal Datt, Shabnam Vadhera, Shailja Chaturvedi, and Mukund Pal. Bhuvan, who portrays Goldie, expressed his excitement, saying, “Playing Goldie has been an amazing experience as an actor. His flaws and insecurities make him highly relatable, and I think viewers will see reflections of themselves in both Goldie and Vimal.”
He further commented, “Their relationship embodies sibling love and rivalry, highlighting the pressures they encounter while striving to maintain their identities. The bromance depicted in the story is a significant aspect, tapping into emotions that are often overlooked. I hope audiences find their journey inspiring and come to realize that ultimately, it’s our shared bonds that shape who we are.”
Amogh Dusad, Content Head of Amazon MX Player, noted, “Fisaddi captures the essence of brotherhood in a relatable and entertaining manner. It delves into the complexities of rivalry, love, and personal growth while embodying the spirit of youth. The focus on brotherhood is an emotion that remains largely unexplored, and we are confident that audiences will resonate with it.”
With an undertone of suppressed emotions in this deep bond shared between the brother duo, a two-minute trailer is quite fascinating. Goldie struggles to be the big brother while being overshadowed by Vimal on many scores. It’s a series that delves into the idea of brothers as both fierce competitors and guardians, hinting at how maturity can sometimes involve dissolving all the layers one has so carefully constructed.
What is the premise of “Fisaddi”?
“Fisaddi” explores the relationship between two brothers, Goldie and Vimal, highlighting their sibling rivalry against the vibrant backdrop of college life in Allahabad.
Who are the main cast members?
The series stars Bhuvan Arora as Goldie and Poojan Chabbra as Vimal, alongside supporting performances from Priyal Mahajan, Rajesh Jais, and others.