Indian wearable leader Fire-Boltt, which has swiftly topped the popularity chart owing to an omni-channel approach and multiple launches across different price points, has now introduced Thunder, a Bluetooth calling smartwatch with the biggest AMOLED display, TWS connectivity, voice assistant, local storage and in-built games. Initially priced at just Rs 4,999, Fire-Boltt Thunder comes in Black, Gold and Silver colour variants, and is currently available exclusively on Amazon.
Fire-Boltt Thunder is equipped with the biggest 1.32” AMOLED full touch display. Therefore, while other smartwatches have a pixilated low resolution with dull display, Thunder boasts of a colourful display with high contrast and 360×360 resolution. Its in-built microphone and speaker further allow the users to receive or make a call through the watch, without bothering to take out the mobile phone.
Fire-Boltt launches Thunder, calling smartwatch with AMOLED display, TWS connectivity and voice assistant
“Crafted for the go-getters, IP68 waterproof Thunder is loaded with host of industry-leading features engineered to provide ease of accessibility. While voice assistant enables contact-less access, the Bluetooth calling smartwatch also comes packed with quick dial pad, contact storage and call history options. Besides, you can save your favourite playlist or stream it seamlessly through TWS connectivity. And if there’s a need to just digress from the chores for a while, one can make use of the multiple in-built games in the timepiece,” said Fire-Boltt co-founders Aayushi and Arnav Kishore.
The home-grown brand has also packed its newest smartwatch with various health metrics trackers for SPO2, heart rate and body temperature monitoring. For fitness enthusiasts, it has as many as 30 sports modes like running, cycling, basketball, badminton etc while for those seeking holistic wellness, Thunder offers features like meditative breathing, sleep monitoring, menstrual reminder. With 7-day strong battery life, Fire-Boltt Thunder comes with different smart specs, including alarm, stopwatch, sedentary reminder, camera control, drink water reminder, weather updates and brightness adjustment.
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