Fire-Boltt one of India’s leading smartwatch makers, who also loomed as a leader in Q1 2022 as per the latest reports, has launched a new smartwatch today under the Ring series. Presently, the Ring series comprises watches like the Ring and Ring 2 smartwatches.
The newly launched smart wearable is called the Fire-Boltt Ring Pro. As the name suggests, the device has support for the Bluetooth calling feature. The watch also features a huge display, multiple sports modes, and a constant bundle of health-related features.
Fire-Boltt Ring Pro: Specifications and Features
It sports a large 1.75-inch display. This is a touchscreen display with a screen resolution of 320 x 385. The watch has a squarish design along with a side-mounted button to maneuver across the UI and play with the menu options on the watch.
The beautiful thing about the show here is the BT calling function. It has a built-in speaker and mic setup to take calls and make calls right from the watch. The Ring Pro also features contact coeval, an abrupt dial pad, and call history options on the wearable. The watch also provides a pin lock system to meet your watch safe from others, this works similar to the phone’s lock screen lock system, but you can protect the watch only with pin codes (numeric).
In the matter of health-related features, you get a SpO2 sensor to check blood-oxygen levels, a heart rate tracker, and there is sleep tracking with modern features like deep sleep and light sleep data. The watch supports a total of 25 sports modes including hiking, walking, running, cycling, weight lifting, baseball, football, basketball, and many more.
Other features include IP68 dust and water-resistant rating, built-in games (2048 and flappy bird), smart notifications from the paired phone, multiple watch faces, weather updates, a camera, and music control. The battery life of the device is yet to be disclosed.
Fire-Boltt Ring Pro: Price in India and Availability
The smartwatch is priced at Rs 3,999 and the watch will go on sale on the 16th of June through Amazon. It will be available in several color options including Black, Red, Blue, Green, and White.