FC Goa have launched an official complaint against Mumbai City FC, alleging integrity issues. According to them, a photographer from their rival club was sent to record their training session, in the build-up to their game against one another.
The two play each other on 28 February in a huge match for the top of the ISL table. But only a day before the game, head coach Manolo Marquez addressed the issue when asked about Borja Herrera’s injury. “Ask the photographer who was recording our training session. The photographer from Mumbai City FC. Check with Mumbai if he is training or not,” the coach said.
FC Goa launch complaint with ISL against Mumbai City FC for recording training
“Mumbai City FC’s analyst was spotted at our match day – 1 training session in Mumbai. The analyst has recorded footage related to the training,” said an FC Goa Official on terms of anonymity.
“This is an integrity issue and an official complaint has been sent to the league,” he added.
The two teams played each other in December, in a fixture which ended 0-0. This time around, the game will be played in Mumbai, and they haven’t been the best hosts, if what Marquez said is true.
It now remains to be seen whether the ISL or AIFF takes any action against Mumbai City FC.