Universal Pictures has dropped a brand new Hindi trailer for the heartwarming movie Fast X. Fast and Furious has come for the tenth adaptation in the series, Fast X. The movie contains many ingredients of the franchise having the top sequences. We will see Dom Toretto and most of the family members coming back for the new film.
The story starts with the dialogue of Jason Momoa “about to learn everything about is one of the adrenaline boosters for all the fans. It’s been two decades; Fast X is set to hit the theater early next year. The new trailer contains a power pack action, and stunts scenes. We have seen John Cena, Vin Diesel, and Michelle Rodriguez doing some fantastic actions in the film.
The journey of the franchise started with the first film which felt rooted firmly in the mid-90s it has revealed in 2001, and then expose a sequel without Vin Diesel, and the third film is a box-office bomb that had no linked up at all to the other.
After this, Vin Diesel not shown any interest in it, but the director Justin Lin somehow reunited Dom and Brian and ushered in the era of The Fast and the Furious. It’s very disappointing as the entire thing eventually comes to an end, and after two decades none of the old hats is young and spry anymore.
Fast X: Plot
There is no such information about the story of the film not in the trailer. At the end of F9, we had Charlize Theron’s Cipher on the loose once more and John Cena’s Jakob leaving his bad guy ways to collaborate with his secret brother Dom in the family. Dom has unfinished business with Cipher, who killed Elena in The Fate of the Furious.
Fast X is symbolizing the ending for the main series, that Cipher will once more take center stage as a Big Bad, teaming up this time with Jason Momoa’s Dante, a new character. Rita Moreno in the role of Grandma Toretto, it’s safe to say we’re going to once again deeply sink into the Toretto family backstory. Sadly, Dwen Johnson will be no more part of the film.
Fast X: Production Status
In Los Angeles, we don’t get anyone to shoot the film, the city the Toretto family calls home. It seems it may take some time so we might get information from the Toretto house in Angelino Heights that was rebuilt after it got blown up in Furious 7.
The Fast and Furious franchise means a lot of power-pack action-drama, cool stunts, and romance, this time centered on Europe. Fast X shooting happened in two different cities in Italy-Rome and Turin.
Fast X: Cast
In this new adaptation, we will see two big names as the main cast of Fast X: Brie Larson and Jason Momoa. Momoa will appear as a new villain named Dante who collaborated with Cipher. Larson’s character is named Tess. Rita Morena will be seen in this adaptation, she has pulled off the EGOT. Daniela Melchior and Alan Ritchson also joined up in unspecified roles.
Fast X: Release Date
Fast X has confirmed that the film will hit the theatres on 19th May 2023.
Here is the trailer:
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