At the present pandemic condition all the possible companies are shifted to Work from Home strategy for safety purposes. It is running for over a month and few companies like Facebook are adopting this work culture permanently. Though it is optional, for Facebook at least.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg posted an article on his Facebook account last Thursday and announced the permanent work from home option for its existing employees. As per Mark, more than 50% of the employees are still equally productive as they were before this pandemic.
Around 40% of current employees of Facebook are willing to be a full-time remote worker. And among these 40% of people, 75% wanted to move to another place. For these employees, the permanent work from home approach will be very beneficial.
Mark wrote to his article, “Over the next 5-10 years, I think we could have 50% of our people working remotely, but we’re going to get there in a measured way. I think Facebook will be the most forward-leaning company on remote work at our scale, and we’ve been working on a thoughtful and responsible plan to do this.”
Facebook sets a goal of remote hiring for experienced engineers in the cities where the Facebook engineering offices are located. The locations are Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Portland, and San Diago.
As the salary is adjustable as per the employees’ location, Facebook also adjust that for remote workers. If anyone will dishonest about the location, there will be “severe ramifications” for them.
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