Bollywood’s popular show Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives comes for the second season. The new trailer has been launched recently. In this show, we will see Maheep Kapoor, Bhavana Pandey, Seema Khan, and Neelam Kothari.
Bollywood’s Kjo or Karan Johar is set to produce the Netflix series, and there are the makers who have shared the new trailer of the new series on Friday, a fresh look at the entire gang return more dramatic way. From discussing menopause to always fills with chaos as the video confirms the official release date.
The one-and-a-half-minute trailer starts with Seema Maheep, Neelam, and Bhavana set to come in style with match-making black dresses. Now, the fabulous four adult women have seen together riding the cycles on the vacation just before an angry Maheep Kapoor, Sanjay Kapoor, her husband, “ you need to start pleasing me…I think it is about time you did.” Recently, the conversation moved toward the ‘hot slashes’ along with Neelam yelling in the group chat, “ Is it hot, not is it only me?”
The new trailer is set to cut about another group discussion, while Seema says, “ This is not menopause for sure.” Maheep had seen on pointing at her face, and saying, “This glow is not the makeup.”
Karan Johar is also seen in the trailer, like the filmmaker Zoya Akhtar, and actors Arjun Kapoor and Bobby Deol, popular Indian singer and rapper Badshah as he can meet Seema on the date. Bhavana also sees that he can meet Seema on a ‘date. Bhavana is also seen while the family discussion along with the daughter Ananya Pandey, and husband Chunky Pandey with the former asking Bhavana, “ Are you pregnant?” Neelam was seen to tell husband actor Sameer Soni about this project along which there is a; “kissing scene’.
Now Sameer and Neelam have seen in a heated debate, where he also can tell her in Hindi, ” These friends are a manipulated lot.” she also added, “ They are not manipulated.”
Karan Johar also was seen counseling Maheep in one scene just telling, “ Why are you br4ushing tour issues with Bhavana under the carpet?” when the new trailer reveals the issue between the two friends. Maheep is seen crying in one matter, and saying, “ I don’t want to talk about it.”
In this second season, we will see Maheep Kapoor, Bhavana Pandey, Seema Khan, and Neelam Kothari who are known to be a star-stubbed friend circle that contains actor Shah Rukh Khan’s wife, and also the interior designer, Gauri Khan. The series also focuses on Maheep, Bhavana, and Neelam’s marriages with actors Sanjay Kapoor, Chunky Pandey, and Samir Soni.
Here is the trailer:
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