The upcoming Samsung Galaxy S25 series would retain the dual-chipset launch model. Various regions will receive either the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 or its Exynos 2500 equivalent. The Exynos 2400 chipset showed substantial progress when compared to the flagship SoC of the current generation, implying Samsung is looking to improve its game in every area. Next year, the manufacturer may go even further, as the rumors imply that it would use its second-generation 3nm technology to mass-produce the Exynos 2500. This could imply that the unit’s power efficiency substantially exceeds the forthcoming Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 4.
More About the Samsung Exynos 2500
This speculation was made by PandaFlash on X, who had previously stated that the Exynos 2500 scored higher than the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 in both CPU and GPU performance. Samsung is reportedly testing the silicon on its second-generation 3nm process, which would allow the new SoC to run at higher clock speeds at the same power consumption level.
It is likely that this new Exynos 2500 will use Samsung’s advanced ‘Fan-out Wafer Level Packaging’ technology, which creates a more creative and robust design that can better resist heat, making the chip package smaller and thermally advantageous to maintain high performance for longer periods and thus achieve a higher multi-core score.
Despite the difficult task of surpassing Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, if Qualcomm’s flagship SoC’s power consumption reports are correct, phone manufacturers will require large 5,500mAh batteries. Somehow, the Korean giant would be able to capitalize on gaining a brand name with Exynos if it manages to control the yield of the second-generation 3nm process. To maximize gains, Samsung has several months before shell shocking the market by engaging in heavily late production.
Samsung’s foundry struggled with a 20 percent yield of the 3nm node; however, it has significantly improved but still lags far behind TSMC. Finally, Samsung now has the opportunity to try and increase the yield as much as possible within the next ten months. However, it’s important to treat all information regarding the Exynos 2500 with caution until actual benchmarks are available.