Among all the rumors and few confirmed reports, the recent report has a video proof that shows the design of the Samsung Galaxy S21 in a close-up. The Samsung Galaxy S21 5G series is not going official until 14th January 2021, but we almost know most of the details of the phones. The recent video has been shared by Random Stuff 2 on his YouTube channel but this is still unclear who has shot the video. Moreover, the video looks quite original as most of the phone is taped at several places covering certain portions of the phone, which is quite common for unreleased phones when they appear in public.
The video shared by Random Stuff 2, shows all the sides of the Samsung Galaxy S21. In the video, the person has run the GeekBench 5 test on the phone, where the model number of the phone, as well as the details, matched the image collected from the original GeekBench database website. The reference to a ‘lahaina’ motherboard demonstrates that we are witnessing a Snapdragon 888 SoC version not the Exynos 2100 version of the Galaxy S21. The Geekbench database details also show an 8GB RAM variant of the device, which most probably can be paired with 128GB storage.
Quandt adds some storage reports claiming that the Ultra version of the series will tag along with a 512GB storage and others. Let’s have a look what are the storage options that we might see in the series.
- Galaxy S21
- 128 GB – Grey, White, Pink, Purple
- 256 GB – Grey, White, Pink, Purple
- Galaxy S21+
- 128 GB – Silver, Black, Purple
- 256 GB – Silver, Black, Purple
- Galaxy S21 Ultra
- 128 GB – Silver, Black
- 256 GB – Silver, Black
- 512 GB – Silver, Black
Source(s) : Random Stuff 2 | Via 1, Via 2 & Via 3 & Via 4