Amazon Prime Video has released the trailer of the musical journey of Everybody’s Talking About Jamie which represented a very tricky journey on the screen. It is mainly set up at 20th Century Studios and now it has been sold to Amazon that has been planned for the release the next month.
This is based on the story of the very aspiring drag queen Jamie New who has followed his first steps to become the performer in Sheffield while all his classmates were making a plan about their livelihoods after passing out from school. He is planning about his very secret career ambition to be a fierce and also a proud drag queen and his best mother always provide him endless support and the local drag legend Miss Loco Chanelle has been mentored him toward the debut of the stage performance but his father always was very unsupported about it.
There were also some of the ignorant school kids who were also joined to this rain of his sensational parade.
The adaptation of this movie has been reunited with the main creative trio of director Jonathan Butterell. The writer is Tom MacRae and also the musician Dan Gillespie sells and it just looks like a faithful take on this show with several advantages of the film that can also bring this film to launch through Amazon Prime Video on 17th September 2021.
Here is the trailer: