During Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s state visit to the United States, Elon Musk, a well-known entrepreneur, met with him in New York. The meeting highlighted Musk’s respect for Modi, with the Tesla CEO expressing his admiration for the prime minister and recalling Modi’s previous visit to a Tesla facility in California.
Elon Musk’s admiration for India was clear in his statements, in which he boldly declared that the country offers more promise than any other significant country on the planet. Elon Musk praised Modi for pressing Tesla to make major investments in India, recognising Modi’s deep care for the country’s future. The entrepreneur reiterated their determination to pursue this possibility, though with some reservations about the timing.
The meeting between Elon Musk and Modi not only demonstrated a great personal chemistry, but also highlighted Tesla and India’s mutually beneficial relationship.
Musk’s assessment of India’s potential shows the country’s growing relevance in the global economy as well as its attraction as a great location for future investments.
Elon Musk’s endorsement of India carries tremendous weight as one of the world’s most important visionaries and pioneers in the electric vehicle business. His words reaffirm India’s economic growth trajectory and the government’s commitment to creating a friendly business climate.
Modi’s prior visits to Tesla’s California factory are likely to have aided the ongoing communication and collaboration between Tesla and Indian authorities. Furthermore, Musk mentioned visiting India later this year to discuss Tesla and his satellite internet network, Starlink.
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