Amazon Prime Video has dropped the trailer of the Telugu movie Ek Mini Katha. This Telugu film will be featuring Santosh Subhan and also Kavya Thapar in the main roles. It has revealed that this latest Telugu movie is a light-hearted romantic film with some important social message. The trailer has also got a huge response from the audiences. This movie is produced by UV concepts and Mango Mass Media.
Santosh Subhan has been exposed to his character in the film. Santosh Subhan is the son of the late director Subhan, he declared that it has a perfect riot at the time of the filming of this movie. It has come to know that the direction and the writing will spot on the character that is playing easily to him. The story of this film focuses on the life of Santosh.
Amazon Prime Video also has shared the trailer on their Instagram and wrote that “Ek Mini Katha – Official Trailer. This miniseries will make you fun and increase the size of the cheek by 10 inches!”.
As this movie is directed by Karthik Rapolu, he has said in a statement that this type of story needs excellent storytelling and also a fixed representation, and he felt very fortunate by getting the opportunity to collaborate with Gandhi, this man had written the story of the film and he is also an accomplished director himself. He had also revealed that Kavya Thapar and Brahmaji would bring to life a very general yet and also relevant situation so seamlessly.
Santosh is suffering from some psychological problem that creates insecurity in him. He has taken a decision not to getting married to anyone in his entire life. After he falling in love with Amrutha has changed his idea.
Release Date
Amazon Prime Video has confirmed that this film will be premiere on 27th May. It is expected that this romantic comedy film will make a huge response among the audience.
Here is the trailer of the film: